Video: Aung San Suu Kyi trial postponed – many civilians dead after military attack

Trial of Aung San Suu Kyi postponed – many civilians dead after military attack

In Myanmar, the verdict was postponed in a second trial against the de facto head of government Aung San Suu Kyi, who was overthrown by the military. It is now to be announced on January 10th, it said. In this case, the allegation is, among other things, that Suu Kyi is said to have been in possession of illegal radio equipment. The 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate was sentenced to two years in prison only at the beginning of December for inciting resistance and for violating Corona requirements. She is being held in an unknown location. Meanwhile, the fighting and violent clashes in Myanmar continue. At least 35 people – including old people, women and children – were killed and the bodies burned in a village in Kayah state, local media reported over the weekend. Human rights groups spoke of civilians. The military government said security forces shot an unspecified number of “armed terrorists”. The United Nations has announced an investigation into the shootings. Due to the tense situation in Myanmar, Thailand has increased border controls with the neighboring country. An increase in refugees is expected, the authorities in Bangkok said. At the weekend, three projectile grenades of unknown origin landed on Thai territory. Since the coup in February, which the military justified by allegedly forging parliamentary elections, protests in Myanmar have been violent in some cases. More than 1,300 people have been killed since the military took power.


The security situation in Myanmar remains tense and violent clashes continue.

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