Video: Attack on children’s hospital: Selenkij accuses Russia of genocide

Attack on children’s hospital: Selenky accuses Russia of genocide

STORY: According to Ukrainian sources, a children’s hospital in the port city of Mariupol was attacked during the agreed ceasefire to evacuate civilians. 17 people were injured, including women in labor, says the governor of the Donetsk region. Video captured by the Ukrainian military showed a badly damaged building. A video purported to show the inside of the hospital went through the Ukrainian President’s Instagram account. Volodymyr Zelenky called the attack on the children’s hospital evidence of Russian genocide in Ukraine. What kind of country is the Russian Federation that is afraid of hospitals and maternity hospitals. The Kremlin denies targeting civilians. The White House condemned the attack. Spokesperson Jen Psaki: “This is appalling, the barbaric use of military force to target innocent civilians in a sovereign country.” According to Ukraine, 67 children have been killed nationwide since the invasion. More than a thousand civilians died in Mariupol. An independent verification of the figures is not possible. Ukraine continues to call for the establishment of a no-fly zone. NATO turned down this request, fearing an escalation. On Wednesday, the Pentagon also rejected Poland’s proposal to transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine via the US base in Ramstein. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the plan was unsustainable. “Intelligence has come to the conclusion that the transfer of MiG-29s to Ukraine could be misconstrued as escalating and could lead to a significant Russian response to NATO.” A first meeting at government level since the outbreak of fighting between the foreign ministers from Kyiv and Moscow is scheduled for Thursday in Antalya, Turkey.


What a country the Russian Federation is that is afraid of hospitals and maternity hospitals, said the President of Ukraine. The Kremlin denies targeting civilians.

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