Video: At least 19 dead in plane crash in Tanzania

STORY: In Lake Victoria, in northern Tanzania, emergency services were looking for victims and survivors of a plane crash on Sunday. At least 19 people died in the accident, officials said. The machine of the Tanzanian airline Precision Air took off in the morning in the commercial city of Dar es Salaam. During the landing approach to Bukoba Airport, she fell into the water in storm and rain with over 40 people on board. Helpers tried to free trapped passengers from the wreck with boats. “People opened the emergency door, but when we tried to save them, the water ran in,” says this man. I was able to save seven people myself. The two pilots initially survived the crash and were able to contact the rescue services from the cockpit. According to authorities, however, they later reported that their oxygen supply was running out. When rescuers arrived, the pilots were already dead. The two flight attendants survived.


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