VIDEO. Assembly: “I left part of my France there”, the words of the dean on French Algeria are controversial

the essential
In a brief speech, the elected official of Bouches-du-Rhône, pied-noir born in Oran, spoke of his native land from which he was “ripped”. An inaugural speech castigated by several elected officials of Nupes.

The inaugural speech of the RN Dean of the National Assembly José Gonzalez is controversial. In his brief speech greeted by applause, the elected official hailed a “symbol of French unity” with the meeting of all the deputies, and evoked with emotion Algeria, his native land from which he said he had been “ripped off “.

\ud83d\udcac “I am a man forever bruised by the feeling of abandonment and periods of heartbreak”

The emotion of the Dean of Deputies José Gonzalez during his speech in the National Assembly \u2935\ufe0f

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) June 28, 2022

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When Algeria gained independence in 1962, “I left part of my France there,” he said, before breaking off emotionally. “I am a man forever bruised by the feeling of abandonment and periods of heartbreak”.

“We, the repatriates from Algeria (…) we left a part of France there that we loved. It was important to say that we loved France from there and that we loves France from here. We are true patriots”, he then justified at the microphone of LCP.

The Nupes castigates the intervention

The leader of the environmental group Julien Bayou said he was “struck”, even if the dean was “cautious and mentioned his personal case”. “It’s really problematic. We didn’t applaud.”

“The RN wants to show its credentials but it explodes from the first speech”, commented his colleague EELV deputy Sandrine Rousseau. The president of the LFI group Mathilde Panot accused the RN of “apologizing for French Algeria and the crimes of colonization”. The rebellious Thomas Portes expressed his “disgust”.

“It was quite embarrassing”, also judged the number 1 of the socialist party Olivier Faure in front of the press.

After such trivialization where will we go? The dean of the RN session, nostalgic for the assassins of the OAS, evokes without shame and tearful the memory of French Algeria to applause. An insult to our history and to our parents. Day of SHAME.

— Sabrina Sebaihi (@SabrinaSebaihi) June 28, 2022

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