Video: Ash Wednesday speech: Klingbeil takes aim at Söder

STORY: (Note: This post is sent without narration.) PARTS OF THE SPEECH BY SPD PARTY CHIEF LARS KLINGSBEIL ON POLITICAL ASH WEDNESDAY: “I’ve been thinking for a long time how to give such a political Ash Wednesday speech in times like they are. And five minutes ago “, the way here, watched what’s happening in Passau. Markus Söder experienced. In five minutes he told why Bavaria is the greatest, best state. I then asked myself why did he actually want to leave two years ago? Not everyone manages to fail because of Armin Laschet. That’s a special achievement if you don’t even become a chancellor candidate against Armin Laschet.” // “And then I’ll say very clearly here, if I can decide, as Social Democratic chairman, whether I invest in infrastructure and in education and in social cohesion, or say the debt brake applies. Then I know what applies to me . We want to modernize this country, dear comrades. And that is what we have to push forward now.” // “And now I’m reading again this morning that the Union isn’t satisfied with the way the defense budget is equipped and that more has to be packed on top of it. And when Boris says 10 billion, the 15 say. You know, I would guess that “That they’ll be a bit humble. That they’ll think about it a bit, including what they actually did when they headed the Ministry of Defense for 16 years. I was on the committee for 12 years and I’m still on it Defense Committee. You sometimes had the impression that the CDU defense ministers, that they came straight from the anti-militarist movement and made sure that nothing worked in the troops anymore. There were no more helicopters, no more tanks, the defense budget is And I’ll tell you, we don’t need any advice from them on how to do proper politics for the Bundeswehr, dear comrades n.”


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