Video: 83 missiles – Fierce Russian attacks on Ukraine

STORY: So far 83 rockets have been fired during the fierce Russian attacks on Ukraine on Monday. This was announced by Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maljar. Of these, 43 missiles were shot down by the Ukrainian air defenses. According to the police, at least five people were killed in the attacks on Kyiv and numerous others were injured. The authorities said the attacks were aimed at civilian infrastructure in the capital and other parts of the country. People would have to prepare themselves regionally for temporary interruptions in light, water supply and communication. A building housing the German consulate was also hit in the attacks on the Ukrainian capital. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. Operations in the consulate had been discontinued when the war broke out. According to the federal government, the seven leading industrial nations want to discuss the war in Ukraine on Tuesday. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is also expected to take part in the talks. Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, has threatened Ukraine with retaliation in the event of what he has described as more acts of terrorism. The explosion on the Crimean bridge over the weekend, for which he blames the neighboring country, was an act of terrorism, Putin said. In the event of further such attempts, Russia will react harshly.


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