Victory of Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen launches the “battle” of the legislative elections and two people killed in Paris

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron obtains 58.54% of the vote against 41.46% for Marine Le Pen

The ballot boxes have delivered their verdict. Emmanuel Macron obtained 58.54% of the vote against 41.46% for Marine Le Pen in the presidential election which took place this Sunday, April 24, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior covering 100% of ballots counted, with abstention up 2.5 points to 28.01%. These results will still have to be certified on Monday. In the end, Marine Le Pen has therefore progressed by 7.6 points in five years, a score lower than what the average of the polls promised her two weeks ago, but which she described as “a brilliant victory” on Sunday evening. . The president of the National Rally promised to embody “a strong counter-power to that of Emmanuel Macron”.

Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen launches the “battle” of the legislative elections

Beaten, Marine Le Pen estimated that his score was “a resounding victory”. “The ideas we represent are reaching new heights (…) The result in itself represents a resounding victory,” she said from her electoral headquarters on Sunday evening, shortly after the publication of the estimates which gave Emmanuel Macron re-elected. “Tonight we are launching the great electoral battle for the legislative elections. I will lead this battle alongside Jordan Bardella, with all those who had the courage to oppose Emmanuel Macron in the second round, with all those who have France pegged to the body, ”added the leader of the RN. “I will continue my commitment to France and the French,” promised the candidate of the National Rally: “I will lead this battle. »

Paris: Police shoot at a vehicle that was heading towards them, two dead

The facts took place shortly before midnight, during the re-election of President Emmanuel Macron, celebrated at the Champs-de-Mars, without it being possible to establish at this stage a link with this political event. On the Pont-Neuf, in the center of Paris, police fired on Sunday shortly before midnight at a car which tried to hit them according to a police source, killing two of its occupants and injuring a third person. According to the first elements collected, the vehicle was traveling in the wrong direction when the police wanted to check it. The occupants of the vehicle would then have run into the officers who used their weapon. The investigation was entrusted to the 1st district of the judicial police for “attempted intentional homicide on persons holding public authority”, indicated the Paris prosecutor’s office.

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