Victory at the ATP Finals: Zverev is crowned tennis world champion

Status: 11/21/2021 6:49 p.m.

Alexander Zverev defeated the Russian professional tennis player Daniil Medvedev in the final of the ATP Finals in Turin.

Zverev won on Sunday (November 21, 2021) in Turin 6: 4, 6: 4 against the Russian defending champion Daniil Medvedev and triumphed at the prestigious ATP Finals as in 2018. In the preliminary round, the German number one had just lost in the tiebreak of the third set against the second in the world rankings.

When he won the title three years ago, Zverev lost to Djokovic in the group stage and retaliated in the final. He took that as a good omen against Medvedev. “I know I’ve made it before,” said the 24-year-old before the game.

Zverev dominated from the start

He was just as confident. While Zverev had often acted too passively against Medvedev on Tuesday, when he just lost in the tie-break of the third set, he now dominated the rallies. When his first serve came, the German made almost every point in the first set against the strong return player (16/18).

And Zverev did not let his opponent out of the headlock, with another break he opened the second round. With the dominance of a champion, he continued to serve and left no doubts, Medvedev did not have a single break chance in the entire game.

After only 1:15 hours, Zverev finished the Russian’s 9-0 run at the ATP Finals across the seasons – and refined the already most successful year of his career, in which he was only denied the premiere title at a Grand Slam tournament.

Biggest title of the year alongside Olympic gold

For Zverev, alongside the Olympic victory in Tokyo, it is the biggest title this year. In the semifinals the number three in the world had On Saturday, as in Japan, surprisingly defeated the Serbian world number one Novak Djokovic.

Apart from the Grand Slam tournaments and the Olympic Games, the ATP Finals are the most important event that can be won in tennis. The hamburger is now considered the unofficial tennis world champion.


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