Victoria of Sweden: The Crown Princess enjoys her special day

Victoria of Sweden
The Crown Princess enjoys her special day

The Swedish royal family visibly enjoyed Crown Princess Victoria’s day of honor (3rd from right).

© imago images/TT/Jonas Ekströmer

There was singing, laughing and clapping: Victoria of Sweden clearly enjoyed the celebrations for her 45th birthday.

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden clearly enjoyed the celebration of her 45th birthday on July 14. The spectacle was extensively celebrated with the entire royal family at the castles of Solliden and Borgholm. The most beautiful moments were also accompanied by numerous photos captured on Instagram.

First, the Crown Princess, who wore a romantic, white summer dress with lace sleeves and floral prints on her special day, together with Prince Daniel (48), the two children Estelle (10) and Oscar (6) and their parents King Carl XVI. Gustaf (76) and King Silvia (78) congratulated the public in front of Solliden Castle. Victoria could hardly stop beaming.

The whole family was present

The royal family then drove in a carriage to the concert at Borgholm Castle, which today is only a ruin. There they also met Victoria’s brother Prince Carl Philip (43) and his wife Sofia (37) and her sister Princess Madeleine (40). Everyone was in festive attire, the men in light-colored suits and the women in brightly colored floral dresses.

At Borgholm Castle, the Crown Princess traditionally presented her scholarship to ski racer Ebba Årsjö (21), who won a bronze and two gold medals at the Paralympic Games in Beijing this year. The joy was written all over the athlete’s face.


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