Victoria Bedos succeeds in putting a very young actress on the track

It was one of the big favorites of 20 minutes at the Alpe d’Huez Festival in January. The most beautiful to go dancing, the first feature film by Victoria Bedos, is a little gem of humor and delicacy in which Philippe Katerine and Pierre Richard surround the discovery Brune Moulin. Rewarded for her interpretation, this teenager has the idea of ​​dressing as a man to go to a party. Her objective, to seduce a gay boy, but above all she will be taken for a very cool guy by her comrades who despised her before.

By inventing a new personality, she will certainly seduce the young homosexual she loves, but will no longer know how to tell the truth. “The spiral of lies is an inexhaustible engine of stories, explains Victoria Bedos to 20 minutes. We let ourselves be sucked in and, one thing led to another, we couldn’t get out of it. »

Kindness as a driving force

Her widowed father (Philippe Katerine, more touching than ever as the director of a boarding house for seniors) and his octogenarian best friend (Pierre Richard as a mischievous old gentleman with a complicated past) struggle to help the young girl get out of trouble. . “For my inspiration, I drew directly from my teenage memories because I was then as introverted and cluttered with my body as my heroine who is just trying to be loved. We believe in our heroes because they are all treated with as much fairness and humor as they are kind.

“There is nothing worse than an old woman trying to make a film for young people”, insists Victoria Bedos, who was the screenwriter of The Aries Family. The most beautiful to go dancingr carefully avoids this pitfall by evolving in balance between laughter and drama and intermingling various complicit generations. We smile when the young girl steals the wig of a boarder from her father, but our eyes get wet when the character of Pierre Richard evokes the painful choices he had to make in order to live his life in complete freedom.

Off the beaten track

“I wanted Pierre Richard and Philippe Katerine to be able to try out roles that are not usual for them, specifies Victoria Bedos. I believe it was my duty as a director to lead them down unusual paths. Both are exceptionally contained emotions to surround the young Brune Moulin, sensitive, who discovers, in life and as in the plays of Marivaux, what are the games of love and chance.

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