Victims fund raises 20 million euros from bishops and dioceses

The first financial reparations granted to victims of pedocrime in the Church will arrive. The Selam, the Fund for the relief and fight against abuse of minors has collected “20 million euros” from bishops and dioceses, its president Gilles Vermot-Desroches announced on Tuesday. “It’s the first act. The Church is at the rendezvous of what it has announced”, he affirmed.

Two envelopes will be unlocked initially. One of five million euros will be allocated to “financial support” for victims making a claim for compensation in the form of a financial sum from the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr), currently being constitution. Another from “one million” to “prevention and memory approaches”.

Many personal donations from bishops

These two envelopes were decided at a board meeting held on Monday, said Gilles Vermot-Desroches. Meeting in Lourdes in November, a month after the publication of the Sauvé report on the extent of the phenomenon of pedocrime, the episcopate, recognizing the “responsibility” of the Church in these acts, had announced that it was going to get its hands on the pocket.

The president of the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, had announced that he wanted to start by collecting this sum by “taking on the real estate heritage and the investments of the Church”. Since then, the dioceses have made an inventory of their available resources (reserves, sale of a dwelling belonging to a bishop, legacies, etc.) and have gradually announced the amount of their contribution.

Among the contributors, “after the CEF, an overwhelming majority of bishops gave personally, each according to their means” and an “overwhelming majority of dioceses” gave, he said.

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