Victim of illness, a referee dies during a final of the Occitanie championship

The final stages in the spring are traditionally a time of celebration for amateur rugby. But the final of the Occitanie Regional 1 reserve championship turned tragic this Saturday afternoon at La Salvetat-Saint-Gilles, in the western suburbs of Toulouse. Victim of a heart attack, the referee died after collapsing at the very start of the match between US Verfeil Rugby (Haute-Garonne) and the Val 15 agreement, made up of the communes of Daumazan-sur- Arize, Montesquieu-Volvestre and Mas-d’Azil (Haute-Garonne and Ariège).

Charly Bonfanti was hit by an attack after barely three minutes of play, when Val 15 had just opened the scoring on penalty and a red card had been given. According The Midi Dispatch, players and spectators reacted immediately, using a defibrillator before help arrived. But the 54-year-old man could not be revived.

A figure of Tarn-et-Garonne rugby

This former player who became a referee was licensed to the Avenir valencien, a club from Valence-d’Agen in Tarn-et-Garonne, who paid tribute to him on his Facebook page. The match was of course stopped.

In his memory, a minute of silence or applause will be observed on Sunday before the meetings scheduled in Occitania, according to the regional daily.

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