Victim of a heart attack, Dominique Besnehard saved by Francis Huster

This Sunday, on Facebook, the general manager of the Angoulême Francophone film festival revealed that he had suffered a heart attack last Sunday. ” A heart problem that occurred the day after the Misses’ evening where I was on the jury chaired by Francis Huster. Thanks to Francis Huster and my friend Hubert for realizing I was going off the rails and stopping the car when they MAGICALLY passed a fire engine. What would have been my destiny then “, writes the cinema agent, who reassures. “ Everything is in order now I think because I am well followed by my cardiologist and by the team at the Georges Pompidou hospital. “.

A few hours after this publication, he made a point of specifying: “I allowed myself to put this message a little immodest because it returns to me explanations about my discomfort a little abracadabresques”.

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