Viagra: In the future without a prescription but still via the pharmacy – knowledge

How big the problem actually is is difficult to say. Up to two thirds of all tablets with the active ingredient sildenafil, known as Viagra, come from dubious sources. The sexual enhancer, which came onto the market in 1998, requires a prescription in most countries, i.e. it has to be prescribed by a doctor. But the black market is booming, the quality of the products sold there is questionable and the profit margin is enormous. The price of Viagra is higher per kilogram than some illegal drugs. Many providers are dubious and at least half of the products offered on the Internet are counterfeit, as analyzes by pharmacists have shown.

Erectile dysfunction could also be the first indication that a more serious condition is present

Many men still avoid going to the doctor when they have erectile dysfunction. If they order products of questionable quality instead, they expose themselves to incalculable risks. It is therefore right that the Prescription Expert Committee will advise next week whether Sildenafil 50 mg (there are other dosages) should continue to be available by prescription only. Advocates of prescription argue that Viagra is a drug that, like any drug, can have side effects. Therefore, a doctor should assess whether the drug is suitable for the patient. Headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, blurred vision can occur and, combined with other medications, it can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Sildenafil was finally developed as a cardiovascular drug. In addition, an erectile dysfunction can be the first indication that a more serious condition is present. Ingesting the “blue diamond” may make it worse or go unnoticed.

Viagra has made Pfizer billions in profits, and many want to benefit from that. But there are hardly any good fakes. A wrong dose is useless or dangerous. Counterfeits from backyard laboratories are also risky, in which harmful fillers are incorporated, so that taking them becomes a gamble and can lead to poisoning. Viagra should therefore no longer require a prescription, but should remain available in pharmacies. Then the risk of adulterated products would be eliminated. As far as risks and side effects are concerned, the advice to consult a doctor or pharmacist should be taken seriously in exceptional cases – and, if necessary, consulted beforehand.

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