Viagra: active ingredient sildenafil remains prescription-only

Decision of the BfArM
Prescription required: Viagra active ingredient sildenafil remains prescription-only

If you want Viagra, you still have to get a prescription from your doctor

© Christophe Gateau / DPA

If you want to take Viagra, you still need a prescription. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices decided that the Viagra active ingredient sildenafil remains subject to prescription.

The active ingredient in Viagra, sildenafil, still requires a prescription. A committee of experts at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Bonn on Tuesday unanimously rejected an application to lift the prescription requirement. This means that a prescription from the doctor will also be mandatory in the future. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) published the recommendation of the expert panel at its Website. It states: “The Expert Committee on Prescription Medicines unanimously recommends that the motion for prescription relief for Sildenafil 50 mg for oral use be rejected.”

Sildenafil no longer requires a prescription in other countries

Sildenafil is a drug from the group of so-called phosphodiesterase inhibitors, also called PDE-5 inhibitors. They are the most commonly used drugs for erectile dysfunction. The committee’s decision not only affects the well-known potency pill Viagra, but also so-called copycat preparations with the active ingredient sildenafil.

Since the patent protection for Viagra in Germany expired in 2013, a number of cheaper imitation products, some with other active ingredients, have been on the market. Like Viagra, the so-called generic drugs in Germany require a prescription.

In some countries, such as the UK, Switzerland and Norway, sildenafil no longer requires a prescription. However, advice from the pharmacist is sometimes a prerequisite for dispensing.


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