VfB Stuttgart: Bundesliga professional Atakan Karazor arrested in Ibiza

Serious accusation
Bundesliga professional Atakan Karazor from VfB Stuttgart arrested in Ibiza

Arrested in Ibiza: Atakan Karazor, professional at Bundesliga soccer team VfB Stuttgart

© Tom Weller / DPA

It is a serious allegation: Atakan Karazor, Bundesliga professional at VfB Stuttgart, is said to have raped a young woman in Ibiza together with a friend. The two suspects were arrested.

Soccer professional Atakan Karazor from VfB Stuttgart has been arrested while on vacation on the Spanish holiday island of Ibiza. The Bundesliga club announced this on Saturday. The midfielder denies any criminal activity, the club wrote. “VfB is in constant contact with its lawyers,” it said.

The club did not say what the 25-year-old midfielder is accused of. “Since this is an ongoing process, we ask for your understanding that VfB cannot comment further for the time being.”

VfB Stuttgart: No further comment

At the request of the DPA news agency, the police in Ibiza only confirmed the arrest of two 25-year-old Germans who were accused of rape by a young Spaniard. The identities of the people involved are not disclosed.

According to one Report of the Spanish news portal “Periodico de Ibiza” the Spaniard should be 18 years old. The portal was the first to report the suspicion of rape. Accordingly, the young woman was raped in a villa in San José. She is said to have been treated later in a hospital. After that, she filed a complaint.


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