Véran and left-wing elected officials denounce an LR proposal aimed at controlling its use

For Olivier Véran, we must stop the “stigma”. The government spokesman and left-wing leaders denounced on Wednesday a bill from elected Republicans to “regulate the use of the back-to-school allowance” and “fight against fraud”.

“The back-to-school allowance is useful and fair! This is precious help for three million families to finance children’s supplies and meet back-to-school expenses, ”tweeted Olivier Véran. According to the explanatory memorandum to this bill, co-signed in particular by the interim president of LR Annie Genevard, the deputies Virginie Duby-Muller, Marie-Christine Dalloz and Pierre-Henri Dumont, “the absence of control over the expenses incurred with this allowance “de facto allows beneficiaries to use this aid for purposes other than the needs of their children for their schooling”.

It is “the old fantasy of the poor who drink the money from the allowances”

This text advocates making available to families, “for each child”, a “kit of supplies and a back-to-school allowance in the form of vouchers so that families can dress their children or buy them books and tools necessary for their education. The text also aims to “require, as a prerequisite, the production of proof of schooling to avoid fraud”.

“The back-to-school chestnut tree. Every year parents are accused of buying plasma screens with the back-to-school allowance… new rims… smartphones… The old fantasy of the poor who drink the money from the allowances”, mocked the PS vice-president of the Senate and former Family Minister Laurence Rossignol. The right had in fact already tabled legislative proposals with a similar aim, in particular in 2020. “Behind this proposal, there is a questioning of the ability of the poorest parents to take care of their children. And it’s serious, ”said the Green MP for Paris Sandrine Rousseau.

A minimum amount of 376.98 euros

The back-to-school allowance is paid at the end of August, subject to resources, to families with at least one school-going child aged between six and 18 years. For the start of the 2022 school year, the amount is 376.98 euros per child aged six to 10; 397.78 euros per child aged 11 to 14 and 411.56 euros per child aged 15 to 18.

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