Véligo goes hunting for rental professionals

Véligo no longer wants delivery men to suck his wheel off. In a communication to its subscribers, the electrically assisted bicycle rental service recalls that “when a user subscribes to the Véligo Location service, he undertakes to use the bicycle exclusively as a private individual”. And no, for professional purposes, because the service reminds us, “the models designed were for family use and not for intensive and professional use”. However Véligo notes that “some users do not respect this condition”. This includes, without naming them, the deliverers of platforms such as Deliveroo, UberEats, etc.

To cope with this, the Ile-de-France Mobilités service has announced the establishment of a “control of distances traveled and the number of trips made by bicycle”. As a reminder and according to the rules of use, it is forbidden to make more than 300 km per week, as well as 70 trips over the same duration. In fact, if Véligo finds “professional use” or exceeding this limit, it plans to “cut off electrical assistance and immediately terminate the contract”. A radical method to say the least.

Velib limits the use of its electric bikes

The Vélib ‘service was also confronted with this problem. “We noticed that our fleet of electric bicycles were in great demand,” explains Sylvain Raifaud, president of Autolib-Velib-Métropole. We therefore decided to strengthen it from 35% to 40% of the total fleet. The Velib teams have also noticed that 1% of users do 10% of the races, most certainly for professional use. In order to make “electric bikes more easily available”, it was therefore decided, when the pricing conditions were updated last August, to limit, for Vmax subscriptions (8.30 euros per month), to two journeys per month. day by electric bike. Beyond that, it is now necessary to pay one euro per additional trip.

“We also had the possibility of creating a specific offer for professionals,” adds Sylvain Raifaud. But today we do not have the sufficient fleet to support this use. On the other hand, the municipalities that are members of the Velib union did not want to subsidize the private delivery of meals to homes. “Beyond these limitations, the president of Autolib points to“ the responsibility of the platforms that hide behind the status of auto-entrepreneur ”. For him, it is salaried work, and like any employer, the platforms are required to make work tools, namely bicycles, available to their employees. It is also funny to see UberEats delivery men circulating in the streets of Paris by Velib and Veligo while Uber offers, through its partnership with Lime, a range of free-floating electric bikes …

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