Vehicle construction: Vietnamese group wants to build e-cars in Germany

vehicle construction
Vietnamese group wants to build e-cars in Germany

The logo of the Vietnamese company Vinfast. Photo: Uli Deck / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The Vietnamese company Vinfast is pursuing ambitious goals with electric vehicles on the world market. Now a production facility is also to be built in Germany.

After Tesla, another foreign car manufacturer is looking for a production site for electric cars in Germany.

The Vietnamese company Vinfast announced a corresponding cooperation with the German foreign trade agency GTAI.

Since Corona in particular, the time has passed to transport cars around the world, said the new Vinfast boss Le Thi Thu Thuy, according to a joint statement. You have to produce close to the market in order to convince customers. A production site in the largest European economy is a milestone for the company’s strategy. Nothing was disclosed about the size, criteria or timeframe of the investment.

The first Vietnamese car brand Vinfast is pursuing ambitious goals on the world market with electric vehicles and has set up a highly automated production facility in Hai Phong. At the technology trade fair CES in Las Vegas, the company said it presented a complete electric fleet with five vehicles of various sizes. The two largest cars could already be ordered. The largest shareholder of the parent company Vingroup is the billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong.


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