Valérie Pécresse’s plan to limit the rise

Will the Navigo pass soon cost 100 euros? This is a possibility that Valérie Pécresse, the president of Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), is considering, but which she does not want to resolve. It will therefore propose to the vote next Monday a deliberation entitled “No to the Navigo package at 100 euros per month”. In this two-page text, it puts forward several proposals to limit the impact on users of the “need for additional financing of Ile-de-France Mobilités due to the economic crisis and the soaring cost of energy [qui] amounts to 750 million euros in 2023”.

From the outset, Valérie Pécresse refuses to “reduce the transport offer and sacrifice investments. This would be a major ecological mistake! “, she assures. On the other hand, the draft deliberation intends to solicit the State via a reduction in the VAT rate to 5.5% on public transport and an increase in the ceiling rates for the mobility payment paid by companies.

“The Navigo pass has not been increased since 2017”

It also intends to involve operators (RATP and SNCF) by lowering the cost of contracts in exchange for extending them. Finally, “an increase in the total contributions of the member communities of Ile-de-France Mobility of 100 million euros in 2023” is planned, half of which would be provided by the Ile-de-France region, announces Valérie Pécresse.

If all these proposals are implemented, “we will be able to reduce the effort required of travelers as much as possible”, promises the president of IDFM, without however excluding it. She nevertheless recalls that “the Navigo pass has not been increased since 2017, while inflation since that date has amounted to nearly 11%”.

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