Valérie Pécresse defends herself after having evoked in a meeting the theory of the “great replacement”

Valérie Pécresse tried to explain herself on Monday after having evoked the conspiracy theory of the “great replacement”. The use of this expression, very marked on the far right, seems representative of the difficulty of the LR presidential candidate to bring together all the sensitivities of the right.

“Faced with these vital questions” which await France, “no fatality, neither to the great downgrading nor to the great replacement”, had affirmed the candidate during her first major campaign meeting on Sunday at the Zenith in Paris.

“I do not resign myself”

The formula was immediately pointed out on the left: “It’s one more Rubicon that is crossed by the right”, estimated the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. The SOS Racisme association denounced remarks “not worthy of a major contender for the presidency of the Republic”.

Valérie Pécresse attempted an explanation on Monday morning on RTL: “It means that I am not resigned precisely to the theories of Éric Zemmour and to the theories of the far right, because I know that another way is possible” ” That’s what I said yesterday [dimanche] and everyone makes me say otherwise,” she added.

“I don’t understand the controversy”

As for the reality of the phenomenon, she estimated that “there are today in France areas of non-France, but I do not resign myself to this great replacement”. “It’s something I’ve been saying for months, so I don’t even understand the controversy,” she added.

According to her spokeswoman Agnès Evren, “she refuted this theory”. “To be French is to share the love of France, the values, not to know if one is white, black or mixed race. That there is a concentration of immigrants in certain neighborhoods is a reality, that does not mean that there is a great replacement or that France has changed its face, ”she said on RFI.

“Paper French”

Political scientist Pascal Perrinneau also underlines “a slightly biased reading, because at no time does she agree with this theory”. But the candidate spoke a lot about “order” in her speech on Sunday and spoke of “paper” French people. Valérie Pécresse had already used this expression in November referring to the conspiracy theory of a “great replacement”, organized by the elites, of the European population by non-European immigrants.

For his indulgence with this notion, Eric Ciotti had drawn criticism in the fall. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, who made around 40% of the votes during the LR primary, estimated on Monday that “these two threats” which are “economic downgrading and identity change” are “two major subjects at the heart of the concerns the French “. “Commentators may be surprised, deny the reality but the French measure this reality on a daily basis”,
he added on BFMTV.

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