Valentine’s Day: The perfect make-up for a romantic date

valentines day
The perfect make-up for a romantic date

With these tips it works with a romantic Valentine’s Day make-up.

© Anna Demianenko/Shutterstock

It’s not just about the outfit on Valentine’s Day. The make-up also needs to be carefully selected. Here are a few do’s and don’ts.

Roses, small gifts, a romantic dinner: lovers celebrate Valentine’s Day with small romantic gestures. Dinner in your favorite restaurant – or at home in Corona times – is almost de rigueur. The outfit for such a beautiful occasion needs to be perfectly chosen, but the crowning glory – the make-up – should also convince the loved one.

Be careful with artificial eyelashes

When it comes to make-up for Valentine’s Day, the classic principle applies: less is more! Instead of using opaque make-up, a light foundation and some powder to finish are recommended. After all, you don’t want to impress with artificiality on a date, but with your natural beauty. The same applies to blush on the carriage: the brush, preferably dipped in a soft rosé tone, should be used with caution on the cheekbones.

The focus of make-up for Valentine’s Day is clearly on the eyes and lips. Mascara creates a voluminous look. If you dare a little more, you can work with eyelash extensions. But beware: this can quickly appear artificial. The hand movements for gluing should therefore be practiced beforehand.

Loud eyeliner?

If that’s not enough for you, you can use colored eyeliner. After all, colourful, unconventional eyeliner is the absolute beauty trend this year. There are actually no rules when it comes to choosing a colour. However, some eyeliners match a particular eye color better than others. Colors like navy blue, green, silver, and gold suit most people, but certain tones accentuate the eyes even more.

Colored eyeliner for brown eyes can include bright neon tones and bold primary colors. Shades of gold and peachy pinks are among the best colors for blue eyes. Matching eyeliner colors for green eyes are bronze, gold, violet and rich reds and pinks.

lip makeup

Red lips should be kissed because they are there to be kissed, sang Cliff Richard (81). On Valentine’s Day, stick to these lines of text. If you don’t like it quite so gaudy and conspicuous, choose a reserved, matt rose-red tone with a light pink tinge. Important: If a woman has opted for a bright eyeliner, the lips should take a back seat when it comes to colour.


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