Vaccinations: What you should consider now / With the cold season for …

Wort & Bild Verlag – health reports

Baierbrunn (ots)

With the start of the cold season, many people think: Do I have to go now vaccinate? “Take your vaccination record with you to your next appointment at the doctor’s office”, advises family doctor Dr. Franziska Pecher-Werner from Eibenstock im “HausArzt-PatientMagazine”. “Your history is known there, for example whether you have a chronic illness or are taking long-term medication. This is the best way to advise you on which vaccination makes sense now.”

Covid-19 and flu vaccination at the same time

This is especially important for people over 60, for chronically ill and for those who take medication permanently. “If you have the flu, Covid-19 or pneumonia, you have an increased risk of a severe course of the disease”, warns Pecher-Werner. But even healthy people should check which ones Vaccinations useful could be. “When you go to the doctor, just bring up the subject of vaccination and tell them what you’re planning to do next. Maybe plan one Trip? Then my colleagues can advise you on which vaccination recommendations apply to which countries.”according to Pecher-Werner.

From the point of view of Specialist in General Medicine nothing speaks against a vaccination against Covid-19 at the same time as one flu vaccination to get. “We then inoculate the respective serum into the left and right arm”, according to Pecher-Werner. In the case of a simultaneous vaccination, it can differ individually from one stronger reaction come, but it doesn’t have to be. “The symptoms such as fever, exhaustion, joint and muscle pain are rare overall and usually disappear after about three days.”

Think about booster shots

One should also, according to Dr. Franziska Pecher-Werner, remember that certain vaccinations need to be refreshed, for example tetanus after ten years. For full vaccination protection against hepatitis or TBE three vaccinations are required. Pregnant women usually discuss the vaccination status in the gynecological practice – but of course general practitioners are also contact persons for expectant mothers with questions about vaccination.

This report is only free for publication with a reference to the source. That “HausArzt-PatientMagazine” gives the German General Practitioners Association in cooperation with the Word & Picture Publisher out of here. Issue IV/2022 is distributed to patients in general practitioners nationwide. You can also find the “HausArzt Patient Magazine” at Facebook.

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Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlag – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell

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