Vaccination scandal in Friesland: lawyer contradicts information from investigators – policy

The story about the corona vaccinations and the saline solution in Friesland is getting more and more bizarre. Since Tuesday, almost 8,600 people who have been vaccinated have been called on to be vaccinated again, because it could be that they had only received a solution of sodium chloride so far. A nurse is suspected of having drawn up the syringes without active ingredient, and there is even talk of political motives. Now her lawyer contradicts one suspicion – and another suspicion is making the rounds.

In several media outlets, the lawyer is quoted as saying that his client did not act out of political motivation, and that those willing to vaccinate were only given saline solution. According to his account, she only wanted to compensate for a spilled vaccine with residues from other ampoules.

The public prosecutor’s office in Oldenburg now confirms on request that this was actually implied in the first interrogation at the end of April. At the time, however, the district and the police had announced that the syringes had only been drawn up with saline solutions. “To put it unhappily,” says a prosecutor.

At the same time, he is now informing about another, a second investigation into the matter. Accordingly, it could be that the accused did not even receive a vaccination documented in her vaccination certificate and on a replacement document. According to one witness, she herself asked for a syringe to be injected, which she only pulled up with saline solution. But it didn’t come to that.

8557 people are said to be vaccinated again

Somewhat confusing, all of that. In any case, the woman worked for the German Red Cross in the vaccination center in Friesland, where an ampoule with the vaccine from Biontech fell down while drawing up syringes on April 21. She apparently said she wanted to cover it up. She is not silent, as was last alleged, says the lawyer. She immediately admitted her mistake.

Tests could not detect any antibodies in 22 people who were vaccinated at the time; they were re-vaccinated. The DRK employee was dismissed immediately. Witness statements and posts later suggested to the police and the public prosecutor’s office that they were critical of the corona policy and the vaccinations. Despite serious allegations, nothing has been proven.

The public prosecutor is still investigating six cases of possible bodily harm. The district administration of Friesland, on the other hand, advises everyone who was vaccinated during the seven-week service period of the suspect to get vaccinated again. That’s 8,557 people. Thousands of people have already contacted a hotline or made new appointments, and the case is attracting international attention.


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