Vaccination, pensions, nuclear: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Four months after his speech of July 12, and six months before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron again addressed the French this Tuesday, November 9. In a context of resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic, he notably announced that the maintenance of the health pass will depend on the dose of the booster of the Covid-19 vaccine for people over the age of 65. A recall campaign targeting those over 50 will also be launched in early December.

The head of state, who has not formalized his candidacy, also praised his economic record and announced the postponement of the pension reform to 2022 and the construction of new nuclear reactors.

The essential

  • The “over 65 and the most fragile” affected by the booster dose of the vaccine should “justify a recall” for “extend validity” of their health pass from December 15.
  • A vaccination booster campaign will be launched in early December for 50-64 year olds.
  • Controls on the application of the health pass will be strengthened.
  • In front of the “fifth wave” which started in Europe, Emmanuel Macron calls on the French not yet vaccinated to do so.
  • The pension reform is postponed to 2022.
  • France will relaunch the construction of nuclear reactors.

Vaccination to cope with the “fifth wave”

“In the fall of 2021, I wanted to come back to you to answer your questions about our health, social, economic and geopolitical situation”, said the head of state in the preamble by defending the choices of the executive, the two confinements and the long sequences of curfews of the past year. “51 million of us are now fully vaccinated, which makes us one of the best protected countries in the world “, welcomed the president.

“We are not done with the pandemic”

But we are not done with the pandemic “ he insisted, specifying that “the fifth wave has started in Europe. “” Tens of thousands of our compatriots are affected by what is called the long Covid (…). And because we will have to live with the virus and its variants until the world’s population is vaccinated. We are at the rendezvous of international solidarity [en donnant des doses de vaccin aux pays les plus pauvres]. “

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Maintaining the health pass conditional on the booster dose for those over 65

“We can continue to get the situation under control if each of us does our part”, added Emmanuel Macron: “My first message is a call to the 6 million of you who have not yet received any dose of vaccines, get vaccinated (…) a vaccinated person is 11 times less likely to end up in the hospital in critical care (…) billions of people have been vaccinated and we already have some hindsight. “

From the December 15, announced the Head of State, the maintenance of health pass will be conditioned on the booster dose for over 65s.

Vaccination booster for 50 – 64 year olds

A recall campaign will be launched next month for French from 50 to 64 years old. The practical details will be decided in a few days by the health authorities. Controls on the application of the health pass will be strengthened.

The postponed pension reform, that of unemployment insurance applied

Emmanuel Macron then praised his economic record, first recalling the sums committed to help professions in difficulty, especially in the health sector. “Our caregivers have been increased from 200 to 400 euros per month on average, 500 hospitals will be restored, thousands of retirement homes will be renovated in an unprecedented effort of 19 billion euros. Never, since the creation of Social Security, have we invested so much in health (…) after decades of neglect. “

New stage in the reform of unemployment insurance

We must not aim for 7% unemployment, but rather full employment “, He continued, surprised that 3 million people are unemployed, while sectors such as catering are struggling to recruit.

The Head of State recalled his measures to lower labor taxation, to increase training for the unemployed and efforts aimed at young people, including the “Unemployment rate is at its lowest for more than 15 years.”

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As part of the unemployment insurance reform, the unemployment benefit rules will change “from December 1” : “You will have to work at least six months in the last two years to be compensated [contre quatre actuellement]“, he confirmed. “Job seekers who fail to demonstrate an active job search will have their benefits suspended.”

“Clear decisions” on pensions in 2022

Emmanuel Macron further announced “clear decisions” on the pension front next year. “Work longer by pushing back the legal age, move towards a fairer system by abolishing special regimes (…), move towards more freedom by allowing gradual retirement. “

To date, the conditions for “to restart“the site of the pension reform is”not met “ ruled the President of the Republic.

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Construction of new nuclear reactors

Two weeks after the publication of the report of the RTE electricity network operator, Emmanuel Macron announced the relaunch of the nuclear program and the construction of new reactors on French soil. “We will, for the first time in decades, relaunch the construction of nuclear reactors in our country and continue to develop renewable energies “, he said.

Homeland security law presented in the first quarter of 2022

A programming law for internal security will be presented in the first quarter of 2022, finally announced the president, specifying that the text would give more resources and reduce bureaucratic constraints for the police.

“Since 2017, we have recruited 10,000 police officers and gendarmes, substantially increased the budget for Justice”, he argued. “The results are there: we have thwarted 36 attacks, the drop by a quarter in the number of burglaries and vehicle thefts, seizures and record arrests in terms of drug trafficking”, he assured.

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