Vaccination obligation failed: Great opportunity missed to take precautions


Status: 07.04.2022 7:08 p.m

The introduction of a corona vaccination has failed for the time being. A defeat with announcement. Because the German pandemic policy is characterized by short jumps, little forward-looking action and too many roles backwards.

A comment by Jan Zimmermann, ARD capital studio

That was a defeat with announcement – especially for Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. They have not managed to organize a majority for mandatory vaccination, either on their own with the votes of the traffic light coalition or with the support of the opposition. This is bitter for millions of risk patients, families, children and young people – everyone who has suffered particularly from the corona restrictions in the past two years and in some cases still suffers today.

Lots of partisan politics and tactics

The Union seems to have used the vote in the Bundestag to present the traffic light coalition, which does not have its own majority on this important issue. A lot of party politics and tactical action could be heard in the speeches of the MPs today, and not just among the Union MPs.

But the CDU and CSU would have had the opportunity to jump over their partisan shadow. Especially since many Union politicians have spoken out in favor of compulsory vaccination in the past, not to mention the prime ministers in the countries who have been campaigning for compulsory vaccination for months.

Dispute about “little-little”

Instead of working together across factions to find a real compromise, to prepare the country for a new possible corona wave in autumn and winter, the factions argued in Parliament today about small-small, when who made whom an offer to talk and about which application in which order is matched.

Nothing remains of the solidarity of the parties – as at the beginning of the pandemic. And it’s not just about compulsory vaccination. If politicians had another plan to close the vaccination gaps – so much the better.

Instead, the vaccination campaign has almost come to a standstill. And what about the many other announcements: the improved data situation, the increased staffing of the health authorities and so on?

Short jumps and lots of backward rolls

The German pandemic policy is characterized by short jumps, little forward-looking action and too many backwards roles. Mandatory vaccinations for the elderly would have been one way to close vaccination gaps among those who are particularly at risk.

Not to protect those affected, who absolutely do not want to be vaccinated, from an illness, no, but to protect everyone else from new restrictions and closures if the clinics are threatened to be overloaded again.

Today the Bundestag missed a great opportunity to take precautions. Because Corona is not over. And the government and opposition are now empty-handed.

Editorial note

Comments always reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

Commentary on the failed compulsory vaccination

Jan Zimmermann, ARD Berlin, April 7, 2022 6:21 p.m

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