Vaccination, health pass… Jean-Michel Blanquer unveils his plan for the start of the school year

The start of the school year is approaching and the coronavirus is still active. A vaccination campaign via middle and high schools will therefore begin as soon as the establishments open for students over 12 who wish, announces this Sunday Jean-Michel Blanquer.

The protocol adopted for the start of the September 2 school year is that of “level 2”: face-to-face lessons in schools, colleges and high schools, indoor mask compulsory from primary school onwards, restriction of mixing and reinforced ventilation. While vaccination is open in France to over 12 years, “in all colleges and high schools in France, students and staff will have access to the vaccine, near or within their establishment,” said the Minister of Education national, in an interview with Sunday Newspaper.

Mobile teams or organized trips

“Depending on the situation, either mobile teams will come to vaccinate in the establishments, or we will organize the movement of student volunteers, in connection with the health services, to the vaccination centers”, he explains. For teachers, Jean-Michel Blanquer judged “neither legitimate, nor desirable, nor useful” to require a health pass, preferring to bet on “a logic of trust and responsibility”.

In the event of contamination in a class, the period of isolation of seven days, therefore of remote school, will not be required for vaccinated students, “the same rule as for the rest of the population”, argues the minister . “An unvaccinated student is at greater risk than a student who has received at least one injection. Asking him to stay at home in the event of risky contact is to protect him and protect others, ”he explains. In the primary, children not old enough to be vaccinated, the rule remains the closure of the entire class for seven days in the event of contamination.

To protect medical confidentiality, the pupil’s vaccination status will be communicated on the basis of a certificate of vaccination from the parents. About 55% of 12-17 year olds have already received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine since this summer.

Finally, with regard to school trips, students will not be asked for a health pass in places where they are not mixed with the public such as swimming pools or libraries. But as of September 30, it will be requested, from 12 years old in places that require it.

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