Vaccination card cover: These are the most important purchase criteria

Identification document
Great demand: This is why not every cover is suitable for your vaccination certificate

With a suitable cover you can protect your vaccination certificate from dirt and moisture

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Before the corona pandemic, many vaccination passports were in dusty drawers. In the meantime, however, the identification document is one of the most important documents that you should always have with you. To protect it, it makes sense to buy a cover – but not every one is equally suitable.

Although a digital vaccination certificate is sufficient to prove your corona vaccination (s), many people prefer to have the original close at hand – just in case, the battery suddenly runs out or the smartphone is forgotten at home. In order to protect the sensitive paper from external influences such as dirt and moisture, the transparent cover is currently experiencing a real sales hype. What many do not know: The vaccination certificate is not a standardized identification document. For this reason, you should pay attention to the following points.

Important criterion: the date of issue

Did you know that the size of the vaccination certificate has changed over the years – from 2015 to be more precise? To find out how old your ID is, you should check the place and date of the first vaccination on it. The following differences can be derived from this:

  • Do you have your international vaccination certificate (from WHO) between 1980 and 2015 received, it is 144 millimeters high and 105 millimeters wide.
  • After the turn of the millennium (around 2005) In the meantime, there was also a vaccination card that was 101 millimeters high and 133 millimeters wide.
  • Since 2015 vaccination cards are issued that are only 130 millimeters high and 93 millimeters wide – that is, slightly smaller than their predecessors.

Conclusion: Was your vaccination card only issued in the wake of the corona pandemic 2021 or 2022 exhibited, this most likely has the dimensions: 130 x 93 millimeters (H x W). To be on the safe side, you can simply measure the document with a ruler or tape measure before buying a sleeve.

The cover for the vaccination certificate: models in comparison

Since vaccination records are still not standardized, the sizes – depending on the place of issue – can still vary. It is only a matter of a few millimeters, but these ensure that a vaccination passport cover can be too big or too small. In the latter case, it would render it useless. For this reason, we are introducing you to various models that differ not only in terms of their dimensions, but also in terms of appearance.

Vaccination card cover made of plastic

  • Dimensions: 150 mm x 107 mm
  • Color: transparent

Vaccination card cover made of felt

  • Dimensions: 130 mm x 93 mm
  • Colors: dark gray, light gray, black

Vaccination card cover made of synthetic leather

  • Dimensions: 130 mm x 93 mm (inside), 200 x 135 mm (cover)
  • Colors: red, black, blue, brown, rose

Vaccination card cover with motifs

  • Dimensions: 144 mm x 105 mm
  • Colors: Different motifs

Vaccination card cover to hang around your neck

  • Dimensions: 162 mm x 108 mm (outside)
  • Color: transparent

DIY: How to make your own vaccination card cover

If none of the common vaccination passport covers suit you, but you still don’t want to do without them, you can make your own model. All you need is an ordinary one Transparent cover, a pair of scissors and some sticky tape: Put your document in the envelope and then fold it over at the edges of the vaccination card. Now cut off the excess foil along the edges – and tape the open side shut with some scotch tape. Logically, you leave the upper edge open so that you can remove the document at any time. Alternatively, you can also sew a cover.
You will find suitable instructions on this in this Video.

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