UV Index, Air Quality Index and Pollen Forecast – Health

Pollution and the effects of climate change can take a toll on health. On the Health Forum of Süddeutsche Zeitung Experts therefore advise keeping an eye on these risks and adapting behavior accordingly. Three sources of information to help.

UV index

The UV index indicates how harmful UV radiation is at the moment. It ranges from level 1 to level 11 or higher; the higher the value, the faster sunburn can occur on unprotected skin. From level 3, sun protection measures are required; from level eight, prevention is urgent. Then, if possible, people should no longer be outdoors.

In Germany, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection compiles the current index. Radiation is recorded at 33 locations in the country; the values ​​are updated several times per hour. In the warm season there are also forecasts three times a week for the next three days. The values ​​can be under www.bfs.de/uv-index be viewed. Weather sites or apps also often display the index.

If you travel, you can SunSmart Global UV apartment use that the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed together with partners. It shows the UV index and basic weather data for the current day and the following days for many cities worldwide.

Air Quality Index

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) provides up-to-date data on the cleanliness of the air in its air quality index. It is calculated from the concentrations of the pollutants nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM₁₀) and ozone, which are registered at over 400 German measuring stations.

The index is updated several times a day. He assesses the air quality in five stages from very good to very bad. In the case of poor and very poor quality, sensitive people in particular, for example people with respiratory diseases, should avoid exertion outdoors.

The index can be downloaded from the UBA website at: www.umweltbundesamt.de/daten/luft/luftdaten/ be viewed. There it is also possible to track the concentrations of individual pollutants and to obtain forecasts for the coming days. Alternatively, there is the data on a Office smartphone app.

pollen count

For people with hay fever, the pollen forecast is an important source of information. You can use it to plan your activities and medication intake.

For Germany, the expected danger from pollen can include: www.dwd.de/pollenflug be retrieved. This forecast is made by the German Pollen Information Service Foundation (PID) and the German Weather Service (DWD). It is based on measurements of the pollen concentration and meteorological forecasts.

The forecast includes the most important pollen for Germany; these are hazel, alder, ash, birch, grasses, rye, mugwort and ragweed. It applies to the current day and the two following days. The data, like the UV index, are also in the Health weather app of the DWD contain. On the website of the PID are also Forecasts offered for Europe.

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