USA: Tucker Carlson hates Donald Trump – but he still needs him

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is believed to be the arch-conservative mouthpiece of the USA. For years he supported Donald Trump and often fed his audience of millions with right-wing conspiracy theories. He actually hates the ex-president “passionately”. A look at a marriage of convenience.

A lot can be said about star presenter Tucker Carlson, and certainly a lot of bad things. But you have to give him one thing: he is pretty straight forward on his wrong turns. Be it the corona pandemic, the Ukraine war or the Republican favorite topic of immigration: Carlson lacks neither opinion nor the talent to sell them as facts. The problem is that the 53-year-old is not rushing privately, but in front of an audience of millions. In his talk show, the extremely successful Fox News commentator serves his viewers an evening potpourri of half-truths, lies and conspiracy theories. The limit of what can be said as a narrow strip on the horizon – if at all.

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