USA: Trump special investigator: “President is not above the law”

Trump special investigator: “President is not above the law”

According to the press present, Donald Trump also appeared in person at the court hearing. (archive image) photo

© Alex Brandon/AP/dpa

Trump’s request for criminal immunity is under scrutiny in Washington. Special investigator Smith’s team has an urgent appeal to the judges.

The team of special counsel has appeared before a US appeals court in Washington Jack Smith urged judges to reject former President Donald Trump’s request for criminal immunity.

“The president has a unique constitutional role, but he is not above the law,” said investigator James Pearce from Smith’s team in a hearing, CNN reported from the courtroom.

The appeals court is supposed to clarify whether Trump can be prosecuted at the federal level for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election – or whether he is protected by his immunity as president. Trump’s lawyers argue that the Republican cannot be legally prosecuted for actions they consider to be part of his duties as president.

Trump is indicted in Washington in connection with attempted election fraud and the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. His lawyers had asked that the charges be dropped. However, the judge responsible for the proceedings rejected the application. Trump’s team appealed this decision, so an appeals court is now considering the issue.

According to the press present, the 77-year-old appeared in person at the court hearing. Smith also came to the courtroom for the hearing.

Smith, who is leading the investigation, had tried to bypass the appeals court. He turned directly to the Supreme Court and asked it to clarify the issue quickly. However, the Supreme Court rejected this request. Therefore, the appeal has to make its way through the courts, which can take a long time. It is expected that the case will end up back at the Supreme Court following the appeals court’s decision.


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