USA: Strange behavior – Robbe jumps onto surfers’ boards (video)

See in the video. Robbe “Sammy” jumps onto surfers’ boards again and again – and stays there.

Strange pictures from California. Surfers in San Diego have recently received repeated visits from a seal. A drone pilot captured the scenes and was surprised by the animal’s behavior. Ed Hartel, Drone Pilot: “I was on my usual round filming surfers and when I saw them on a board I was like, oh that’s cool, a seal getting on a surfboard. But what What I noticed was that she didn’t leave the board. She just sat there.” Some observers have suggested that the seal may be fleeing from something underwater. But the fact that the behavior has been repeated several times speaks against it – also with other surfers and on other days. Scientists assume that it is simply a playful seal specimen enjoying surfing. And the seal already has a name: it is called Sammy.

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