USA: Pentagon sights another spy balloon from China

relationship at rock bottom
Pentagon sights another spy balloon – China rejects allegations

A balloon hovers over Columbia, USA. According to the Defense Ministry, it is said to be a Chinese spy balloon

© Anna Griffin/Missourian/AP/DPA

US Secretary of State Blinken has sharply criticized China for the alleged spy balloon in US airspace. He canceled his trip to Beijing at short notice. China denies the allegations. Meanwhile, a second balloon appears.

After the discovery of a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the United States, a second such balloon has now appeared over Latin America, according to the Pentagon. “In our estimation, it is another Chinese spy balloon,” said US Defense Department spokesman Pat Ryder.

The spokesman for the US Department of Defense made only a very brief statement about the second balloon sighted. He gave no information about where exactly the balloon was sighted over Latin America. The first balloon meanwhile flew over the middle of the USA in an easterly direction.

For its part, the Foreign Ministry in Beijing said: “Some politicians and media in the United States are using the incident as an excuse to attack and slander China.” China has “never” violated another country’s territory or airspace.

Blinken cancels trip to China

US-China relations have hit rock bottom. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the appearance of a “Chinese surveillance balloon” in US airspace “unacceptable” and “irresponsible”. Because of the incidents, Blinken canceled his visit to Beijing, which was expected for Sunday. It would have been the first visit by a US Secretary of State to China since 2018. According to media reports, Blinken was also to be received by China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping. Although the expectations of the visit were not high, there were hopes that the visit would calm down the severely tense relationships.

In a phone call with China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, Blinken also said that the United States wants diplomatic ties with China – “and that I plan to visit Beijing if the conditions are right.” The US Secretary of State later said to journalists: “First of all, we have to ensure that this piece of espionage leaves our airspace.” The government is focused on that.

For its part, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that the conversation between Blinken and Wang took place “in a calm and professional atmosphere”. Wang warned against “misunderstandings” and rejected “baseless speculation”. “China is a responsible country and always strictly abides by international law,” he said, according to Xinhua. China had previously asserted that it was a “civilian” balloon, particularly for “meteorological purposes,” that accidentally flew into US airspace.

The overflight of the balloon the size of three buses became public on Thursday. “The balloon’s objective is clearly espionage and its current path is through sensitive bases,” a Pentagon official said. Air force bases and underground nuclear missile sites are located in the region. However, according to the Pentagon, the danger is not particularly great: “We have come to the conclusion that this balloon only has limited capabilities from an espionage point of view.”

According to a Pentagon official, after the balloon was discovered, US President Joe Biden ordered that a possible launch be examined. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and military leaders ultimately decided against it because too many people on the ground could be endangered if shot down by the falling parts. Former US President Donald Trump nevertheless called for it to be shot down: “Shoot the balloon down!” Wrote the Republican on the online platform Truth Social. The President of the renowned foreign policy think tank Council on Foreign Relations based in New York, Richard Haass, also told the CNN TV channel that the balloon should be shot down. The expert criticized the fact that Blinken canceled his trip to China. Right now it is important to talk to China.

Spy balloon has been flying over the United States for days

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the balloon over the United States was used “for meteorological and other scientific research.” He was invaded by “force majeure” in the US airspace. “Due to the westerly wind drift and limited control options, the airship has deviated far from the planned route,” said the spokesman. “Some US politicians and media have taken advantage of the situation to attack and discredit China.”

The Pentagon did not accept this. “We know it’s a surveillance balloon,” Ryder said. The Department of Defense announced the sighting of the first balloon in US airspace on Thursday evening. At that time, the balloon was over the northwestern state of Montana, it said. The flying object has been in view for a few days.

Tensions between China and the United States have increased significantly in recent years. Among other things, it is about the conflict over Taiwan and trade issues. In the past few months, however, there had also been signs of relaxation. Biden and Chinese head of state Xi Jinping met last November on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Indonesia. Biden emphasized that he wanted “vigorous” competition with China, but “no conflict”.

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