USA: Doctors transplant genetically modified pig heart to a seriously ill person

Watch the video: Doctors successfully transplant a genetically modified pig heart to a seriously ill person.

Medical researchers at the University of Maryland, USA, have successfully implanted a genetically modified pig heart in a human for the first time. As the doctors announced on Monday, the patient is fine. The heart works perfectly, so far there has been no rejection reaction. Several pig genes had previously been switched off in the pig and human genes had been introduced. The patient was also given an experimental drug to prevent rejection. The 57-year-old man had previously suffered from terminal heart disease. Since he was not approved for a donor heart transplant, this treatment was the only option. Most countries lack donor organs. That is why doctors have long considered using organs from pigs. They are relatively similar to those of humans. So far, however, the transplant has often failed because the patient’s organs were rejected.

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