USA: Bill Clinton is in intensive care – Panorama

Former US President Bill Clinton has been rushed to a hospital intensive care unit with a urinary tract infection. Apparently the infection had spread throughout the body.

The 75-year-old is already “on the mend, in good spirits and incredibly grateful to the doctors, nurses and staff who treated him excellently,” wrote his spokesman on Twitter. Clinton had been taken to the University of California Irvine Medical Center. His attending doctors wrote, according to CNN, “We hope he can go home soon.”

Clinton is said to be in intensive care for privacy and security reasons, not because he needs intensive care, it said. On Tuesday, he apparently felt bad at a private event held by his foundation in California, CNN reported, citing his office. He was then taken to the hospital after tests.

Problems with the heart

The former president has already received treatment for health problems more often: in 2004 he had four-fold bypass surgery on his heart and in 2010 had two stents inserted to open an artery. His doctors now emphasized that his hospital stay was not related to the heart or Covid-19. His spokesman also tweeted that the infection was not related to Covid-19.

The Democrat Clinton was US President from 1993 to 2001. He is married to Hillary Clinton, who was Secretary of State under Barack Obama and who ran for the Democrats in the 2016 presidential election, but was defeated by Donald Trump at the time.

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