USA: 836 budgies kept in room – animal rights activists alerted

Man keeps 836 parakeets in one room – now animal rights activists have to take care of the birds

Budgies are hand-fed. In the USA a man kept hundreds of birds in one room (symbol picture).

© Sina Schuldt / DPA

An animal lover in the USA kept hundreds of budgies in one room until his son finally gave the birds to animal rights activists. This criticized the holder for his “irresponsibility”.

Animal rights activists in the US state of Michigan have received a “Christmas present” that they are only happy about to a limited extent. The son of a bird collector gave her 836 parakeets, the Detroit Animal Welfare Group said on Facebook. The birds were kept in an “extremely unhealthy environment” and the owner’s “irresponsibility” was “outrageous”.

One day before Christmas, the son gave the animal rights activists 497 parakeets, on Sunday he brought another 339, as the group announced. The son explained that the parakeets were kept in a single room. The owner spent $ 1,200 a month on feed, reported the Detroit Free Press.

The birds were penned in cages and suffocated each other, said the Detroit Animal Welfare Group. “The birds were very stressed and barely moved,” said Chairwoman Kelley LeBonty. Now a total of three animal welfare associations would have to look after the welfare of the birds.

836 budgies: Animal rights activists do not file a complaint

After a veterinary examination, the parakeets should be given up for adoption. Animal rights activists pointed out that adopting a parakeet is a serious obligation because the birds can live to be six to 15 years old.

In the United States, penalties are imposed if animal collectors do not take proper care of them. In the present case, however, the Detroit Animal Welfare Group said it did not contact the authorities.


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