US vetoes Gaza ceasefire resolution

As of: December 9th, 2023 2:40 a.m

The USA has blocked a resolution in the UN Security Council on a ceasefire in Gaza. The text neither condemned Hamas’ violence nor recognized Israel’s right to self-defense, criticized Ambassador Wood.

When the vote finally came, everyone seemed to be holding their breath. In the end, the majority in the room had hoped to make a difference. The participants struggled for hours to make the text of the resolution acceptable to everyone. But it failed due to the lack of condemnation of the Hamas terrorist acts of October 7th.

It failed because of this one sentence, explained the person who had raised his hand to veto and thus slowed down the resolution – the deputy UN ambassador of the USA, Robert Wood. “We are very disappointed that the authors of this resolution neither expressed condolences to the victims of the heinous attacks nor condemned their murderers. This is unbelievable.”

“Seeds for the next war”

Wood criticized that the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas perpetrators against Israeli women was not mentioned in the statement. Over the past 20 years, the Security Council has repeatedly emphasized that such violence in conflicts must be taken seriously.

Washington’s envoy also emphasized that the text did not recognize Israel’s right to self-defense. Under these conditions, a permanent ceasefire could not lead to sustainable peace. “A cessation of Israeli military action would allow Hamas to continue its rule and would only sow the seeds of the next war,” Wood stressed.

Meanwhile, in the background, attempts to make diplomatic progress continued at full speed. Apparently, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also had discussions with his colleagues from Arab countries. The USA had emphasized several times that such advances through a resolution in the Security Council could jeopardize ongoing diplomatic efforts on site.

UN chief Guterres urged the meeting

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres himself accelerated the meeting. He massively pushed the Security Council to attend the meeting using an unusual measure. The Secretary General invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter. This instrument gives him the authority to intervene in the Security Council’s agenda. He warned of a “humanitarian catastrophe” in the Gaza Strip.

Guterres called on members to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. The people of the Gaza Strip looked into the abyss. The global community must do everything possible to end their torment. Guterres reiterated his warning: the humanitarian aid system in the Gaza Strip is on the verge of collapse.

Public order is collapsing. 130 UN employees are among the approximately 17,000 Palestinians killed since the Israeli military offensive began. That was more than ever before in a conflict, complained their top boss. “Some of our employees take their children to work with them so they know they will survive together or die together.”

Ambassador Abushahab: This council is isolating itself

In response to Guterres’ fire letter, the United Arab Emirates introduced a resolution – with the backing of over half of the UN member states. In his speech, Deputy Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab emphasized: The number of bomb victims and the extent of destruction in the Gaza Strip exceed the bombing of Dresden in 1945.

The text calling for a humanitarian ceasefire is short – but it is crucial. Among other things, he had also called for the immediate release of all Israeli hostages from the hands of Hamas.

After the resolution failed, Abushahab expressed disappointment. “This Council is isolating itself by acting against the massive warnings of the Secretary-General, the calls of humanitarian workers and world public opinion.” The Security Council appears to be abandoning its own founding principles.

Antje Passenheim, ARD New York, tagesschau, December 9th, 2023 12:32 a.m

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