US Secretary of State accuses China of using Pelosi’s visit as an excuse

Status: 06.08.2022 11:34 a.m

US Secretary of State Blinken has accused China of using US Democrat Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan to escalate tensions on the island. Taiwan also senses danger – and classifies the maneuvers as a simulation of an attack.

As China continues its large-scale maneuvers around democratic Taiwan, the island nation has accused China of simulating an attack on the mainland of Taiwan.

Taiwan’s armed forces have spotted numerous Chinese planes and ships in the Taiwan Strait region, some of which have crossed the unofficial China-Taiwan maritime border known as the Midline, the Defense Ministry in Taipei said. Accordingly, yesterday alone the Chinese People’s Liberation Army sent a “record number” of 68 military machines and 13 naval ships into waters near the democratic island republic.

Military maneuvers until tomorrow

China began military maneuvers off the coast of Taiwan on Thursday – immediately after a visit to Taiwan by US top politician Nancy Pelosi – which are expected to last until Sunday. Pelosi’s visit angered China for claiming Taiwan. It sees the island as part of the People’s Republic and vehemently rejects official contacts with other countries.

However, the island has long seen itself as independent. China’s leadership accuses the US of “seriously interfering in internal affairs” and imposed sanctions on Pelosi.

“Changing the status quo comes from China”

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu tweeted that Pelosi’s visit would not change Taiwan’s status quo.

The change in the status quo in the Straits of Taiwan comes from Beijing, not from the United States, explained US Secretary of State Blinken on the sidelines of a visit to the Philippines. He accused China of using Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan to escalate tensions over the democratic island.

Beijing has already carried out “increasingly destabilizing and potentially dangerous actions in relation to Taiwan in recent years,” said Blinken. Blinken also spoke of a “total mismatch” between Pelosi’s peaceful visit and China’s escalating military maneuvers.

USA wants to achieve cessation of maneuvers

The US government recently called on China to stop the maneuvers. “The Chinese can do a lot to ease tensions simply by ending their provocative military drills and softening their tone,” said White House spokesman for the National Security Council John Kirby.

US-China relations strained

Beijing’s maneuvers around the democratic island of Taiwan not only increase the risk of unwanted incidents – they also strain the already strained relations between China and the United States. The Chinese government recently canceled a planned talk between military leaders and two security meetings with the United States. In addition, Beijing suspended exchanges with the United States on the fight against climate change.

Blinken said: “The largest carbon emitter now refuses to take part in the fight against the climate crisis. The suspension of climate cooperation does not punish the USA, but the world – especially the developing countries.”

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