US justice: Appeals court deals with Trump’s immunity

US judiciary
Appeals court considers Trump’s immunity

Donald Trump is indicted in Washington in connection with attempted election fraud. photo

© Charlie Neibergall/AP

Trump wants to be there when an appeals court in Washington deals with the question of his immunity on Tuesday. The Republican can count the fact that this even happens as a success.

An appeals court in the US capital Washington is dealing with the question of the immunity of the former US president Donald Trump. The 77-year-old says he wants to appear in person at today’s hearing and is likely to use the date for an election campaign appearance. It should be clarified whether the Republican can be prosecuted at the federal level for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election – or whether he is protected by immunity as an ex-president.

Trump is indicted in Washington in connection with attempted election fraud. Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. Congress met there to formally confirm Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. Trump had previously incited his supporters during a speech and still does not accept his defeat. As a result of the riots, five people died.

The question is likely to end up before the Supreme Court

Trump’s lawyers had requested that the charges against their client be dropped. They believe that Trump cannot be legally prosecuted for actions that they consider to be part of his duties as president. The judge responsible for the proceedings had rejected the application.

Trump’s team again appealed this decision, which is why it is now up to an appeals court. Special prosecutor Jack Smith, who is leading the investigation, had tried to bypass the appeals court. He turned directly to the country’s Supreme Court and asked it to quickly clarify the issue. The Supreme Court rejected this request – a success for Trump.

Therefore, the appeal must now make its way through the courts, which can take a long time. It is expected that the case will end up back at the Supreme Court following the appeals court’s decision. The previously planned start of the trial at the beginning of March is therefore unlikely, as we have to wait for the highest court decision.

Trump relies on delaying tactics

It would be the first time that the US Supreme Court has addressed the question of whether ex-presidents enjoy immunity from federal prosecution. This is also because never before in the history of the United States has a former US president been charged with criminal offenses.

On the online platform Truth Social, which he co-founded, Trump once again made his view of things clear the day before: Of course, as President of the USA and Commander in Chief, he was entitled to immunity. As president, he only defended his country, he wrote. According to his argument, his behavior at the time was not an election campaign.

Trump is taking a similar approach to charges in Georgia

In the state of Georgia, charges of attempted election interference were also brought against Trump and 18 other defendants. On Monday, Trump’s lawyers here also asked that the proceedings be dismissed, citing the then-president’s immunity. Making statements to the public on matters of national interest such as elections is at the core of the president’s historic role and responsibility, the motion said. A trial is scheduled to begin in August.

A co-defendant of Trump’s in Georgia also filed a motion on Monday to remove the prosecutor in charge, Fani Willis, from the case. In the filing, the attorney for former Trump campaign aide Michael Rothman accuses prosecutors of having an inappropriate romantic relationship with one of the other prosecutors in the case. The application does not cite sources that are named. US media quoted Willis’ office as saying that they will respond by submitting appropriate court documents.

It was unclear whether the motion could have a significant impact on the case as a whole. In the past, Willis has repeatedly been the victim of various verbal attacks and slander from Trump’s camp.

Trump uses procedures for election campaigns

The fact that Trump now wants to appear in person at the appeals court hearing in Washington is probably primarily due to his election campaign. Because Trump, who is facing a total of four criminal charges, wants to move into the White House again for the Republicans. The primary elections for the candidacy are imminent. Trump leads by far in internal party polls. So far everything points to a new edition of the election campaign between him and incumbent Joe Biden.

Trump has already used the dates during his various procedures in the past for major appearances. He repeatedly portrays himself as a victim of justice – a rhetoric that certainly resonates with Republicans. Trump is also relying on tactical reasons to delay the trials against him – possibly even until after the presidential election in November this year. If he wins the election, he could ask his justice minister to end the federal investigation against him.


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