US Government Report: What the Senate Needs to Know About UFOs

Status: 25.06.2021 2:10 p.m.

Are the 120 unknown objects that have been sighted in US airspace since 2001, drones, space debris or aliens? The government has had a “UFO report” prepared for this purpose, which the Senate will receive today.

From Claudia Sarre,
ARD studio Washington

Fighter pilots have sighted UFOs – unknown objects in flight – in US airspace more than 120 times in the past 20 years. Her video recordings show white, rapidly racing missiles over a surface of water. Photographs of these unknown objects in flight have in part been published. They worried the US Senators so much that they requested a report from the Pentagon.

“Anything that enters our airspace and is not supposed to be there is a threat,” says Marco Rubio, Florida Senator, in a CBS television interview. He was one of the driving forces behind the Pentagon for the UFO report. In the military language, the flying objects are called UAPs – “unidentified aerial phaenomena” – in German “unidentified phenomena in the air”.

Flying saucers like the one on a closed electronics store in Burbank, California are unlikely to be featured in the report – although they are not excluded.

Image: picture alliance /

“Could pose a security risk to the US”

Are the UFOs maybe Russian or Chinese drones, space debris or aliens? That is difficult to clarify, says former pilot Ryan Graves in a CBS television interview. “We noticed a turning movement, a high altitude and a drive.”

Whatever is flying hypersonic up there could pose a security risk to the US, confirms Luis Elizondo at CBS. He was a director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, the Pentagon’s UFO task force.

“Imagine a technology that has huge centrifugal force, can fly through air, water, and space at 13,000 mph, and dodge radar,” said Elizondo. “It has no wings, no drive, no control functions and can defy gravity,” he adds.

“New York Times” already quotes from the report

Some of the UFO report has already leaked: The New York Times reported that the US government has at least ruled out that the mysterious flying objects are US military technology. That leaves only two explanations: Either it is experimental technology of the Russians or the Chinese – rockets, observation probes, spy drones or the like – or in the end it is aliens. This possibility is at least not categorically excluded.

“A very simple answer” – or not?

Should the scientists discuss what these phenomena are, demands John Podesta, head of the think tank “Center for American Progress” on CNN. The public has a great interest in it. It shouldn’t be dismissed as science fiction or fantasy.

Florida Senator Rubio also insists that the video footage be investigated further. Maybe there is a very simple answer, says Rubio – or maybe not.

So what are the UFOs? One thing is already certain: the Pentagon’s UFO report will not answer this question.

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