US Environmental Protection Agency EPA: Fight Against “Eternal Chemicals”

Status: October 19, 2021 2:51 p.m.

They are in pizza boxes or coffee mugs, are very durable and accumulate in nature and in the body: per- and polyfluorinated chemicals. In the USA they are now to be contained, the EU is preparing a ban.

They are used in numerous products, are extremely durable in nature and pose health risks: so-called perfluorinated and polyfluorinated chemicals, or PFAS for short. The US Environmental Protection Agency now wants to curb the use of substances known as “perpetual chemicals”.

The authority announced that, among other things, new limit values ​​for drinking water pollution will be introduced within the next three years. It is also planned that certain PFAS compounds will be classified as “dangerous substances” and that the manufacturers will be obliged to provide information on the toxicity of the chemicals.

Three-stage approach planned

“For far too long families in America – especially in underserved communities – have suffered from PFAS in their water, in their air or in the soil their children play on,” said EPA chief Michael Regan. With the new national strategy for PFAS, there should now be “courageous and concrete” steps with regard to the entire life cycle of the chemicals.

A three-step approach is envisaged: increase research on PFAS, reduce its spread in the environment and accelerate the clean-up of already contaminated areas.

“Millions of Americans Drink Contaminated Water”

Thousands of communities have already found toxic eternal chemicals in their water, said the US environmental organization Environmental Working Group (EWG). In addition, there are PFAS pollution in almost 400 military facilities. The organization estimates that more than 200 million Americans drink water contaminated with PFAS.

The environmentalists welcomed the initiative of the environmental authority, but criticized at the same time that this step was too late. “The EPA has known about the risks posed by PFAS since at least 1998, but has failed to act,” the organization said.

Risk of cancer and immunodeficiency

Several thousand chemicals belong to the group of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated substances. According to the EPA, they are used in food packaging such as pizza boxes, but also in cleaning agents, paints and varnishes or coatings. At the same time, the substances that decompose extremely slowly in nature have already been detected in animals from polluted waters or dairy products, for example. The substances accumulate in the body.

Some studies come to the conclusion that PFAS can have effects on fertility or lead to developmental delays in children. An increased risk of obesity and certain types of cancer such as prostate, kidney or testicular cancer is also cited, as well as increased cholesterol levels or a weakened immune response to certain infections or after vaccination.

Federal Environment Agency: Children with chemicals in their blood

In Germany, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) warned in July last year that children and young people had too many long-lasting chemicals in their blood and that the damage they caused was often still unexplored. According to the Federal Environment Ministry, PFAS are also used in numerous consumer products such as cosmetics, cookware, paper coatings, textiles and ski waxes because of their water, grease and dirt-repellent properties and their great chemical and thermal stability.

On the occasion of a specialist conference on chemicals, Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) announced last November that no more PFAS should enter the environment in the EU in future. “The German chemical authorities are currently preparing, together with their European partners, to ban all PFAS that are not socially indispensable,” she explained. Germany is advancing here “together with Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden”.


Karl Maria Joseph Wüllenhorst Felleringe
October 19, 2021 • 5:04 pm

16:57 from FakeNews-Checker

you mean free for everyone? for an Italian, anyone can buy fast food, but not every day, because one / woman / diverse is too lazy / stupid to prepare something yourself

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