US Democrat Pelosi landed in Taiwan – politics

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has landed as expected on a visit to Taiwan. This is reported by the news agencies dpa and Reuters.

In the face of threats from China over the visit of the US Democrat, Taiwan’s military has increased its combat readiness. Pelosi’s visit is the highest-ranking visit from the United States in a quarter-century to free Taiwan, which Beijing leaders see only as part of the People’s Republic of China.

Shortly before a visit, Chinese warplanes flew over the Taiwan Strait, according to Chinese state television. It is therefore a SU-35 machine, as the CCTV broadcaster reported on Tuesday. How many there were and what their destination was not disclosed. The brief message came shortly before Pelosi’s expected landing.

Before landing, China’s People’s Liberation Army increased the threat with maneuvers, target practice, military aircraft and warships near Taiwan. Pelosi is also expected to meet with Parliament Vice President Tsai Chi-chang and members of the Legislative Council in Taipei, according to the dpa news agency report, which referred to Tsai Chi-chang. Parliament leader You Shyi-kun was prevented because he was in quarantine after a trip abroad.

China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping warned US President Joe Biden in a telephone call on Thursday before the visit: “Those who play with fire will perish,” said Xi. From the point of view of the Chinese leadership, Taiwan is part of the People’s Republic, although it was already governed independently before it was founded in 1949. The island, which has a population of 23 million, has long considered itself independent. Referring to its “One China Doctrine,” Beijing firmly rejects official contacts from other countries to Taipei.

Xi sees achieving “unification” with Taiwan as his “historic” mission and threatens conquest. The claim to power on the island goes back to the founding history of the People’s Republic, which explains its great importance for the Communist Party. At the end of the civil war against the communists, the national Chinese Kuomintang government fled with its troops to Taiwan, while the communists proclaimed the People’s Republic in 1949. The island is of geostrategic importance due to its location on economically important straits, and US generals used to like to describe it as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier”.

The White House warned Beijing of an escalation. “There is no reason for Beijing to turn a possible visit, consistent with long-standing US policy, into a crisis or conflict,” said Security Council communications director John Kirby. The US would not engage in “saber rattling.” “At the same time, we don’t let ourselves be intimidated.” According to him, the visit does not change “anything” about the USA’s China policy. The US does not maintain official diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but regards Beijing as the island’s legitimate representative.

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