US Democrat: China warns US of “dangerous” visit of Pelosi to Taiwan

US Democrat
China warns US of ‘dangerous’ visit to Taiwan by Pelosi

According to information from Taipei, US Democrat Nancy Pelosi is expected in Taiwan today. photo

© J. Scott Applewhite/AP/dpa

The visit of US top politician Pelosi to Taipei is likely to further heat up the already tense situation in Taiwan. China threatens military countermeasures. Taiwan’s military increases combat readiness.

In the tensions surrounding Taiwan, the chairwoman of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, is expected in the democratic island republic on Tuesday, according to information from the parliament in Taipei.

It would be the highest-ranking visit by a US politician to Taiwan, which Beijing’s communist leadership sees as part of the People’s Republic of China, in a quarter of a century. With the unannounced visit to Taipei, the top politician would ignore warnings from Beijing, which also threatened possible military countermeasures.

A Taiwanese MP confirmed various press reports to the German Press Agency in Taipei that Pelosi might arrive in Taipei on Tuesday evening local time from Malaysia as part of her trip to Asia. There could be a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday. According to US media reports, however, the travel plan is in motion, while the Pentagon is monitoring all steps taken by the Chinese side and is working “around the clock” to ensure the security of the number three in the USA – after the president and his vice president – as it is was called.

Pelosi arrived in Malaysia on Tuesday. The 83-year-old landed in the morning (local time) from Singapore at Subang Air Force Base near the capital Kuala Lumpur, as reported by the state news agency Bernama. Among other things, she wants to meet Malaysia’s Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yakoob later in the day.

Relations between the US and China extremely strained

Military responses have been discussed in China’s state media, ranging from China’s air force escorting Pelosi’s plane and maneuvers to even establishing a no-fly zone around Taiwan and missile tests. Relations between China and the United States “are almost on the razor’s edge,” wrote the party-affiliated newspaper “Global Times” on Twitter. “The countermeasures that the high command envisages against Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan must be far more rigorous and extensive than can be imagined. China’s warning to the US is not idle talk.”

The White House, however, warned Beijing of an escalation. “There is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with longstanding US policy into a crisis or conflict,” National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby said at the White House. The US would not engage in “saber rattling,” he said. “At the same time, we don’t let ourselves be intimidated.”

According to him, the visit changes “nothing” in the USA’s China policy. The US does not maintain official diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but regards Beijing as China’s legitimate representative. The Democrat’s visit would be the highest from the United States to Taiwan since the visit of her former Republican predecessor Newt Gingrich in 1997. At that time, shortly before the return of the British crown colony of Hong Kong to China, the Chinese reaction was moderate because Gingrich had previously visited Beijing .

Taiwan’s military increases combat readiness

Ahead of Pelosi’s expected visit, the Taiwanese military increased its combat readiness. The CNA news agency reported, citing a source, that the order came in response to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army threat and its target practice maneuvers. The increased readiness was ordered until Thursday noon. However, the two-stage alarm system is not yet a classification for the “emergency”, but continues to be a “normal operational readiness”.

China’s manoeuvres, military movements, sea area closures and sudden flight schedule changes heightened nervousness. To what extent they were directly related to the possible visit to Pelosi remained unclear. Chinese military planes and warships have been sighted near the democratic island republic. In the directly opposite Chinese province of Fujian, the airline Xiamen Airlines surprisingly announced the postponement of 30 flights at the instruction of flight control. Northeast of the southern Chinese island of Hainan, a sea area has been closed for planned military exercises.

Xi warned Biden against visiting

China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping warned US President Joe Biden in a telephone call on Thursday before the visit: “Those who play with fire will perish.” From the point of view of the Chinese leadership, Taiwan is part of the People’s Republic, although it was already governed independently before it was founded in 1949. The island, which has a population of 23 million, has long considered itself independent. Referring to its “One China Doctrine,” Beijing firmly rejects official contacts from other countries to Taipei. Xi Jinping also openly threatens conquest for “unification”.

The US top politician will probably also meet with the vice president of the parliament, Tsai Chi-chang, and members of the legislative council in Taipei, the Taiwanese parliamentarian reported to the dpa. Parliament leader You Shyi-kun was prevented because he was in quarantine after a trip abroad.


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