US Congress: McCarthy drama: Vote on chief post postponed again

US Congress
Drama about McCarthy: vote on chief post postponed again

Kevin McCarthy on his way to the Chamber. photo

© Jacquelyn Martin/AP/dpa

The humiliation of Kevin McCarthy goes into a new round: The Republican fails in the election for the chairman of the House of Representatives on Wednesday – because of his own party colleagues.

After a break of several hours, the US House of Representatives has adjourned the vote on the chairmanship of the House of Representatives. The corresponding application was accepted last night (local time) only very narrowly. The Democrats opposed the Republicans’ plan. The next meeting is now scheduled to begin this afternoon (local time). Republican nominee for the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, had previously suffered a historic defeat, losing six ballots.

The Republicans had set up Congressman Byron Donalds as the opposing candidate. He again received 20 votes in the sixth vote. “This city is broken. And I want to fix it,” Republican Assemblyman Scott Perry said before the vote. You couldn’t do that if you just lined up and did what everyone else had done before you. Therefore, he nominates Donalds as an opposing candidate.

McCarthy had already missed the required majority in the election as chairman of the parliamentary chamber three times on Tuesday because various party colleagues refused to support him. The anti-McCarthy camp put forward several alternative candidates – as a sign of their opposition. For the 57-year-old, this is a historic defeat and a public exposure. It is the first time in a hundred years that the election has required more than one attempt and that a parliamentary group has not elected its candidate to office in the first round.

Trump calls for McCarthy’s election

Yesterday, Donald Trump intervened and called on his party colleagues to avoid losing face and vote for McCarthy to the top post. Speaking on social media platform Truth Social, which he co-founded, the ex-president wrote: “We had some really good conversations last night and now it’s time for all of our great Republicans to vote for Kevin.”

He appealed to his party colleagues: “Don’t turn a great triumph into a huge and embarrassing defeat.” McCarthy will do a good job, “and maybe even a great one.” Trump had already expressed his support for McCarthy before the election, but this did not prevent the campaign against him. Even his renewed appeal failed to impress the party’s internal rebels, which is yet another sign of Trump’s waning influence within the Republican Party.

Biden calls election drama ‘a bit embarrassing’

US President Joe Biden criticized the Republicans’ election drama in the Congress Chamber. “It’s not my problem. I just find it a bit embarrassing that it’s taking so long,” said the President in Washington. The rest of the world is watching. “I’m focused on getting things done,” the Democrat said. During a visit to the state of Kentucky afterwards, Biden conspicuously emphasized the need for bipartisan cooperation and embodied close ties with Chief Senate Republican Mitch McConnell, who is based in Kentucky and attended Biden’s visit.

After the parliamentary elections in November, Congress met for the first time in a new constellation on Tuesday. The Republicans took control of the House of Representatives – in the Senate, Biden’s Democrats still have a narrow majority. In the coming years, Biden will therefore be more dependent than before on cooperation with the Republicans, since they can block legislative projects at will with their majority in the House of Representatives. However, it is unclear whether there will even be a common line among them in view of the complete internal disorganization.

deadlock in the House of Representatives

In view of the election debacle, nothing is going on in the House of Representatives for the time being. Until the presidency is clarified, the Chamber of Congress cannot begin its work, not even the new MPs can be sworn in.

McCarthy could possibly try to start negotiations with the Democrats. They could help him win the elections by abstaining in their ranks, for example, because that would reduce the number of votes needed. It would also be possible for a new candidate to be put forward that a majority of Republicans could agree on. But talks with the Democrats about a consensus candidate that they would support would also be conceivable. A way out was initially unclear.


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