Upper Bavaria: metal thieves plunder cemeteries – Bavaria

Metal thieves have damaged more than two dozen graves in several cemeteries in Upper Bavaria. Three suspects between the ages of 19 and 28 are now in custody. In the past few weeks, they are said to have stolen grave crosses, grave lanterns and holy water bowls from the graves, from a church and two chapels in the Traunstein district. The damage is immense, said a police spokesman on Tuesday. In some cases, crosses were torn out or metal parts were cut off directly on site with an angle grinder. The value of the stolen goods alone amounts to 50,000 euros. The damage to the graves is likely to be significantly higher. According to their own statements, the investigators had found the 28-year-old on the trail of witnesses. He is said to have tried to sell almost half a ton of scrap metal. The police arrested him and searched his apartment, which contained further stolen goods and tools for breaking and dismantling. “It is currently being checked whether other thefts were committed with it,” the police report said. The interrogation of the suspect revealed evidence of the two previously unknown accomplices. The police also arrested them and searched their homes.

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