update on dimensions

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Bathroom furniture

When we talk about bathroom furniture, it can be low furniture, high furniture, etc. We offer you an overview of the different types of furniture that can find their place in your bathroom according to your needs.

Low furniture

The base bathroom cabinet can be installed either under a sink or nearby. In this case, what will define its use is the top shelf. To be able to pass under a washbasin, it must have a height equal to that between the floor and the underside of the washbasin and a location designed to allow the passage of the pipe. Whether it is under or near the sink, its depth should be that of the sink.

Washbasin cabinet

The washbasin cabinet, like the low cabinet, is installed at the level of the legs and allows business storage below the water point. This can be fitted with 1 or 2 sinks and can replace the pedestal or pedestal sink. The basin is thus recessed into the cabinet and the piping and the siphon are concealed. Two options are available to you, the cabinet with doors or drawers. It all depends on your tastes!

Tall cabinet

This type of furniture, also called hanging cabinet, is, unlike the base cabinet, to be installed high up in the bathroom. There is a wide choice. It can be a mirror cabinet, shelves, a closed or open cabinet, etc. It is best to install it at face and arm height, so that what is stored in or on it is quickly accessible without having to to stoop or to hoist oneself on a step.

Storage column

The storage column is a piece of furniture that includes a lower part and an upper part. It offers ample storage space even if you only have a small bathroom. Indeed, installed in a corner of the room, it knows how to be small and discreet.

Bathroom mirror

The mirror is one of the bathroom essentials. There are different types. You can choose it with integrated lights or just simple. You can also opt for a mirror cabinet, especially if the bathroom is small and it is necessary to optimize the space.

Choosing the dimensions of a bathroom cabinet

When choosing your bathroom furniture, in terms of their size, you must meet certain criteria. One of them is the circulation space which we will talk about below. For practical questions, however, it is necessary to be aware of certain standard dimensions:

  • An average bathroom cabinet 83 cm high. This can vary depending on the needs of the family and can reach up to three feet for a family with rather large members.
  • Depending on the space you have available, the width of the commonly used washbasin cabinet is 70 cm wide. However, there are some whose width can vary between 50 and 80 cm.
  • The length is between 40 and 60 cm. The more spacious your bathroom, the more design options you have. So, if you want to install a double washbasin cabinet, you will need at least 1.50 m in length.
Bathroom Furniture
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Measures to know for the layout of your bathroom

For a comfortable use of your bathroom, it is necessary to respect certain measures.

  1. For a bathroom, the minimum surface must be 3 m², if it is a bathroom in the extension of a bedroom, or 5 m² in the case of a family bathroom with a bathtub and a double sink unit. On average, a bathroom in an apartment is between 4 and 5 m² and in a house between 6 and 7 m².
  2. As we mentioned above, to circulate, it is important to keep a space of at least 50 centimeters at the exit of the bathtub. If you live with several people, then plan 105 cm wide to circulate in two without getting in the way. Likewise, in front of the sink and the shower outlet, a space of between 70 and 80 cm should be left. In front of the furniture, make sure to leave a space of 70 cm to allow you to open and close doors or drawers easily. On the floor, allow a clearance of about 90 cm to allow you to dry yourself and use the hairdryer without risking bumping into the furniture installed around.

These dimensions are useful to know, because they allow to arrange the bathroom so that it is practical, but also to determine the dimensions of your furniture, especially if you have to resort to custom-made.

The criteria of choice for your bathroom furniture

Beyond the questions of dimensions, to choose your bathroom furniture, you must base yourself on different criteria.

  • The number of people : in fact, depending on the number of people who use the bathroom, the needs will not be the same.
  • children: if you have young children, it may be useful to install sanitary facilities that are suitable for them, otherwise to install equipment nearby to help them use the sanitary facilities present.
  • The style that you are looking for your bathroom.
  • The budget that you have.

Finally, as a rule, prival hanging furniture, because they will allow you to easily wash your bathroom floor. A final tip: be sure to choose materials that are easy to maintain and resistant.

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