Up to eight years in prison for a failed settling of accounts

Five men and a woman have been sentenced by the court to terms ranging from eight years in prison to two years suspended in a typical case of gangs at work in the northern districts of Marseille, reports Provence.

A successful robbery and an attempt to settle scores were blamed on this team, which the police followed for many months before interrupting their projects, as 20 minutes told you before the trial. Not everyone was involved at the same level in these works which aimed to recover a point of sale of narcotics in the city of Petit-Séminaire (13th arrondissement).

François Mussa and Rida Ouarti received the most severe sentences with eight years each, Antony Torino took six years in prison, and his colleague Antoine Santiago, absent at the hearing, received five years in prison. Jeanne Camaccio-Arenas avoids prison with a two-year suspended sentence. According to the file, it was she who was in charge of giving the “Go” for the assassination to her accomplices, after having visually recognized the target the evening when everything was in place. It seems that she changed her mind at the last moment.

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