Unterschleißheim – gardening in the support center – district of Munich

Pupils from the special educational support center in Unterschleißheim work in the school garden. Tanja Stattek from the support center, Manuela Breitenberger from the AOK and Katharina Rudolph from the Acker eV association (from left to right) help them with this.

(Photo: Florian Peljak)

Get out into nature instead of a digital classroom: Pupils at the Rupert Egenberger School in Unterschleißheim grow their own vegetables and learn the wonders that nature can perform. Vegetables grow from inconspicuous little plants in the school garden, which they cultivated on a plot of the urban gardening area next to the forest cemetery. In April, the students planted kohlrabi, lettuce and radishes. Now, under the guidance of TanjaSTATTEK from the support center, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers and pumpkins have been added. The project is accompanied by Katharina Rudolph from the Acker eV association and the health worker Manuela Breitenberger from AOK Bayern. The AOK finances the vegetable farm as a preventive measure. 150 schools in Bavaria have taken part in the educational program so far. Educational materials are also provided to convey basic agricultural knowledge and to address the value of sustainability, food and variety.

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