Unterschleißheim – city supports marionette stage – district of Munich

The city of Unterschleißheim takes the Marionette Theater Bille under its wing. In order to secure the future of the traditional stage, the town hall wants to conclude a cooperation agreement that will guarantee the puppeteers Florian and Wlada Bille secure income. The town hall has already used this construct for the Capitol cinema. However, the search for a permanent venue continues.

The city had previously supported the marionette theater with an annual subsidy since it moved from Munich to Unterschleißheim in 2012. Since then, the stage has been looking for accommodation, and is currently playing again in the center for the visually impaired. The ÖDP had requested that the city take over responsibility for the theatre. In the culture committee of the city council, it was now decided against a vote from the CSU to enter into the same cooperation with the marionette stage as with the cinema.

According to the decision, the town hall will endeavor to find a permanent venue, but no concrete perspective could be shown. The stage can still play in the center for the visually impaired until August 31st.

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