Unterschleißheim – Action and Nature Conservation – District of Munich

In cooperation with the youth organization of the Federal Nature Conservation Association, four volunteers are organizing two new youth groups in Unterschleißheim that deal with nature and nature conservation. The first group is for six to twelve year olds, the second group for teenagers up to the age of 16. “There are many groups for children, but often there is no offer for young people who then lose touch with nature,” says Antonio Stahl, explaining his motivation for founding the groups. When the young people are 16 years old, they can switch to one of the self-organized groups of the youth organization of the Federal Nature Conservation Union, for which there is no supervision.

Stahl is of the opinion that the bond with nature is important for both young people and for nature conservation: “Beautiful outdoor experiences with friends create bond and respect for nature, which in turn arouses the intrinsic motivation to live sustainably and to nature protection.” In addition, at this age it is extremely important to have a group in which you feel comfortable. All four team members have completed a youth leader training course for the required pedagogical skills.

The subject areas of the program are diverse. However, the focus is on the area “Adventure and dangers in nature”. The action-packed program, including survival techniques and forest handicrafts, is intended to arouse the young people’s interest. The topics of recycling and upcycling are also dealt with in order to demonstrate the circular economy. However, the program should also be adapted to the interests of the participants. “Integrating young people very much is part of our educational concept,” says Stahl. Suggestions for topics or project ideas are welcome.

The aim of the groups is to be able to spend a night in the forest at some point. This also includes lighting a fire without a lighter and cooking with plants and mushrooms that you have collected yourself. You will then sleep under a tarpaulin, without a tent. “The young people should know enough about nature to find their way around it,” explains Stahl.

The young people are asked not only when it comes to planning the program, but also when it comes to choosing a date. The groups meet on Friday afternoons, Saturdays or Sundays. The exact date will be determined in a survey. “There are enough restrictions in schools. Here they should have the opportunity to learn independently,” says Stahl. Participation in the groups is free. In order to reach the young people, the team set up a Facebook and Instagram page (@ muepfe.schleissheim). It will also be announced here when the two groups that are supposed to combine action and nature conservation will start.


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